Saturday 5 January 2013

The Golden Age of Running

'Out Of The Past' was the name of the store, and its products consisted of memories: what was prosaic and even vulgar to one generation had been transmuted by the mere passing of years to a status at once magical and also camp. (First Lines of a book written by Gil Pander in the movie Midnight in Paris)
Neepa and I celebrated the last day of 2012 by running 35k in the hills of Lonavala.  It was a fabulous cool morning and we were back on our favourite road between the Lonavala market and Amby valley.  We hadn't run on this road since we finished Comrades training in April 2012.  As the sun rose and revealed the road, we felt that we were meeting our old friend.  As we ran along on this the last day of 2012, I thought about the year gone by.
What a fabulous year it had been! 
I had run 2 races in America and 2 in South Africa, I had run 2 races in India as a running reporter for Star TV and also the Mumbai marathon as a pacer. My daughter had run her first 10k. 
I have enjoyed a fabulous life! 

And so, as we reached the 17.5k point, I looked back at the last 7 years of my life since I started running.  I was 38 years old back then and my life has since been changed beyond recognition.  All those marathons runs, the new lifestyle adopted, the new friends made, and the new countries visited just to run marathons! Life has been magnificent.  

I felt a bit sad that the 7 years had gone by so fast and I almost wished I could be transported back to the day I went for my first run.  I felt nostalgic.   I wished that I was 38 years old again and just beginning my running days all over again.   I was worried that perhaps the best days were gone and the magic would never return.  I was worried that this body of mine, this bundle of emotions, would never make it up those steep hills again. I felt a longing for the past 7 years.
I wished I could be 38 again.

This feeling of nostalgia, reminded me of my favourite Woody Allen film, 'Midnight in Paris'. 
Like most Woody Allen movies, this one too is really funny.  At the same time it deals with our nostalgia and fondness for the past, our disappointments with the present and our anxieties for the future.  

The hero of the film Gil Pander (brilliantly played by Owen Wilson) is a successful Hollywood screenwriter who dreams of being a great novelist. 

Gil is writing a book centred on a man who owns a Nostalgia shop (a store which sells memorabilia).  Gil is visiting Paris, a city he loves and where he wishes he could live along with his fiancée Inez.

Gil is a slightly melancholy guy who has been struggling with his first book and Inez is very critical and unsupportive of him. She continuously looks down on him and his ambition to become an author.  She wishes that he would stop writing this book and would just continue writing screenplays that made him very good money.    
All day long as they move around Paris, Gil wishes he could move permanently to Paris but Inez wants to live in Malibu. 

One night after a few drinks he steps out for a walk and is transported at the stroke of midnight into the Paris of his dreams, the Paris of the 1920's and there he gets to meet his cultural heroes: Hemingway, T.S. Eliot, Gertrude Stein, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Pablo Picasso and Picasso's girlfriend Adriana.
He even gets to hear Cole Porter sing on the piano:
"Birds do it, bees do it,
Even educated fleas do it,
Let's do it, Let's fall in Love"

Gil believed that the 1920's was La Belle Époque, the Golden Age (because according to him, all the great artists he loved had lived in the 1920s in Paris)  and he wishes that he could stay forever in that Golden Age.

Gil then falls in love with Pablo Picasso's girlfriend Adriana.  He purchases her earrings and declares his love to her. They kiss and before they know, they are invited inside a horse-drawn carriage by a richly-dressed couple and are transported further back in time to the 1890s.

Adriana is now very excited because she considered the 1890s as the Golden Age. She had always fantasised about living in the 1890s, to her that age was la Belle Époque. 

Gil and Adriana are taken to Maxim's Paris, and eventually to the Moulin Rouge where they meet Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Paul Gauguin, and Edgar Degas.  These were the cultural heroes of the 1890s and as far as Adriana was concerned, they were the greatest. 

But when Gil asks Gauguin and the others their thoughts about the greatest era, they opined that the greatest era was the Renaissance.

Gil who lived in the 2010s believed that the 1920s was the Golden Age but Adriana who lived in the 1920s believed that the 1890s was the Golden Age and the heroes of the 1890s seemed to believe that the 1500s were the greatest. 

It seems that each generation looks at the time gone past with nostalgia.  People feel that the time gone by was the Golden Age while the present and the future were not good enough. 

Paul, a pedantic character in the film says, "Nostalgia is denial - denial of the painful present... the name for this denial is Golden Age thinking - the erroneous notion that a different time period is better than the one one’s living in – it’s a flaw in the romantic imagination of those people who find it difficult to cope with the present."

By the time Neepa and I finished our 35k that day, I had finished my nostalgia trip.  7 fabulous years had gone by and now at the age of 46, I am a middle-aged chap. But I am not going to deny the present and I am absolutely delighted with what the future holds for me.  I am stronger now than I have ever been and I have plans to run races for many more years to come. 

This is something running does for us. We runners don't dwell for too long on runs gone by but we focus on the present and dream about the runs to come, the races to be run and the new friends to be made.   
After that last run of 2012, I was ready to say goodbye to the year. I was already excited about the New Year and the experiences it would bring.

I will expectantly await the 2 a.m. mornings alarms which will awaken Neepa and me as we prepare for Comrades 2013, I am delighted with the thought of glasses full of delicious wine which will be shared the night before the long runs, I cannot wait to experience the deep satisfaction which follows those inordinately crazy long runs,  I am expectantly awaiting the long phone discussions about training runs and their scheduling with my friend Sushant, I am anxiously awaiting the long and cramped flights to distant lands to run new races. I eagerly await the meeting of old friends on the start-lines and the making of new friends who shared my passion, I am ready even for the excruciating pain of the deep tissue massages and disappointments of some missed runs. 
I am so proud that my daughter Namrata will run her first half marathon in 2013 and I am so happy that Neepa will be running alongside me every step of the way.

Yes, we runners celebrate our past, but nostalgia does not tie us down.  We don't really wish to go back to the a time gone by.  We remain excited about the future. 
We have faith that our best is yet to come.

The Golden Age... La Belle É not a time in the past.  The Golden Age starts now and will take us into the Future! 
La Belle Époque begins when my eyes open every morning.  It begins when the Sun rises. It begins when I tie my shoelaces. It begins when I step out the door to run.

Welcome to 2013!


  1. Great One. As usual your command on the language and the simplicity of your thoughts is wonderful. Ajay

  2. What an inspiring, happy, optimism-filled start to a New Year. Thanks Amit, for enabling us to open our eyes wide to the joy of the present and the promise of the future. Wish you and your family a fabulous 2013...may all your aspirations be fulfilled.

  3. Lovely! Cheers to living in the present and also being thankful for our memories of our own "Golden age".Happy 2013!

  4. Really a great and inspiring one.... Cheers n cherries

  5. Amit, you have introduced Comrades to us making the impossible seem possible. You have also taught us how to enjoy distance running with a full time job and family responsibilities. Wish you and your family a fantastic 2013, more Comrades runs and marathons.

  6. its always heart warming and inspiring to go through ur mails. it also reminds me of my young days,as to how i use feel while running.feeling is great and difficult to explain,but u always put across so effectivly and inspiringly.GOD bless u and ur family in 2013.

  7. Great writeup Amit. Really inspiring. Your daretorun inspired me to do the full marathon once but after reading this piece once will not be enough. See you at scmm2013. Ulhas Sathaye

  8. "La Belle Époque begins when my eyes open every morning. It begins when the Sun rises. It begins when I tie my shoelaces. It begins when I step out the door to run." I've never read a more evocative, yet simple, exhortation for living in the present.
    Have a great 2013--hope many more will continue to be inspired by your story, as I have been in the past.

  9. Dear Amit,
    Not sure what you are better at- Running or Writing.I have always been looking up to you as a runner, keep motivating more and more with such write ups, Thanks.... Have a great year ahead. Warm Regards and a peaceful 2013 to you and your family. Mahesh Nagwekar

  10. Xlnt words Amit.... YOur essay is a like a shot in the arm dose of enthusiasm... I am now suddenly very excited about the SCMM 13 and all the marathons and long runs I will be doing this year. Cheers.! --Mandar Sharma

  11. Brilliant - every year has got better since I've been a runner. You will have to come and join me running the Kalahari Augrabies Extreme Marathon one year.

  12. dear amitbhai!

    As always, your action reflects in your essays,its a treat reading your stories full of philosophy and encouragement.
    wishing you and your family happy running 2013

  13. Thanks Amit for the wonderful write up. It is inspiring and wish you best of luck in all your runs. Pulin Shroff

  14. Amazing is all I can write,keep running , we will run with you ... Maybe different roads that will merge at a juncture to go different paths ... Or to run into the sunrise across some othe land some other time ... That's the best part of future ... It's always glorious
